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You understand and agree that the Company will be relying on the exclusion provided by Section 3(c)(7) of the Investment Company Act. Accordingly, you further represent and agree on your own behalf and on behalf of any customer account for which you are acting in connection with the H shares of the Company (the “Shares”) as fiduciary or agent that, whether or not you (or such customer) purchase Shares in the primary offering referred to below, if you (or such customer) purchase Shares during the 40-day period after the Shares are first admitted to trading on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, then: (i) at the time of such purchase you (or such customer, as the case may be) either (x) will not be a “U.S. Person” and will be located outside the “United States” (each as defined in Rule 902 of Regulation S under the Securities Act), or (y) will be both a Qualified Institutional Buyer and a Qualified Purchaser; and (ii) such Shares so purchased will be offered, resold, pledged or otherwise transferred only outside the United States to a purchaser not known by you (or such customer, as the case may be) to be a U.S. Person (as defined in Rule 902 of Regulation S under the Securities Act) (by pre-arrangement or otherwise) and in an offshore transaction complying with the provisions of Rule 904 of Regulation S under the Securities Act.

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閣下瞭解及赞本钱公司將依賴投資公司法第3(c)(7)條規定的破例情況。因此,閣下為閣下自己及以閣下 就本公司的H股股份(「股份」)擔任受信人或署理的身份代表客戶進一步聲明及赞成,無論閣下(或該客戶) 是否於下述首次發售中購買股份,倘閣下(或該客戶)於股份首次獲接納於香港聯交所買賣後40天內購買股份, 則:(i)於購買時,閣下(或該客戶,視情況而定)(x)並非為「美籍人士」及身處「美國」境外(各自定義見 證券法S規例第902條),或(y)將同時為合資格機構買家及合資格買家 ;及(ii)所購買的相關股份將以預先安 排或其他方法僅於美國境外向據閣下(或該客戶,視情況而定)所知並非美籍人士(定義見證券法S規例第902條) 的人士及遵守證券法S規例第904條的條文於離岸生意中發售、轉售、質押或以其他方法轉讓。

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